Home Funding Seeking Funding for Professional Growth

Seeking Funding for Professional Growth

by Kristy Breaux

Summer is quickly approaching and you are probably beginning to make plans for some much needed R&R. While the summer break can be a sacred, quiet getaway, don’t forget to squeeze in a little time for you to explore some new tools and gather a few new ideas to make the 2018-2019 school year even more memorable for both you and your students. Here are a few tips on getting funding for your PD needs this year:

Ask Your Principal

Ask your principal to include PD funding in the school’s budget. This is the time of the year when principals are creating their budget requests for next year. There may even be some unused funds you can use for some summer PD.

Request a Tax Refund

You may know that you can save your receipts for supplies and claim a deduction on your taxes, but did you know that professional development can also be a deduction? You can learn more here.

Share Your Passion with Parents

Many elementary teachers are given a profile form from the homeroom parent requesting gift ideas for holidays and special occasions. Link them to your crowdsourcing pages like Donors Choose which can raise funds for attending a conference or securing new equipment for your classroom.

Look for Special Promotions

While not all promotions will apply to you, it may save previously allocated money that you may be able to ask for later.  Our May 15 event offers a free registration for district leadership and a 50 percent discount for administrative support at the campus level. An event later this fall will offer free registration for technology directors – you know you want them on your good side when the technology hits the campuses!

TCEA Educator Awards

Each year TCEA recognizes phenomenal educators in multiple categories. Both the winners and finalists receive cash prizes in addition to their recognition. So, this fall when you see the nominations open, nominate yourself or another stellar educator and start thinking about how to spend that money.

Know Your Funding

Do your research and know who in the district to ask for funds from ESSA, Title I, Title II, and other district-provided education foundations or grants you can apply for. Make sure they know your passion and how your continued professional development will benefit the district and your students.

Educators Are Heroes

Many organizations support their local educators. Seek out grants from organizations you belong to, including the PTA, religious institutions, Kiwanis, or Rotary Clubs, etc.

Grant Writing

You may think of grant writing as tedious and time consuming, but some grants can be simple. Many local companies are seeking out educators ready to make waves in STEM, makerspaces, and other buzz worthy education transformations. Smaller, local companies may have an easy grant application process. Here’s a blog from Dr. Bruce Ellis on available grants you may find helpful and another resource from Miguel Guhlin on grant writing tips.

There is funding available out there. You may just have to be the “squeaky wheel” to obtain some of it for your professional growth.


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