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There’s been a lot of discussion among nonprofit associations like TCEA, TLA, TEPSA, and others recently around the changing concept of membership. Years ago, people joined associations and other service organizations like the Kiwanis, Lions Club, and Shriners because that’s what everyone did. Joining was almost a rite of passage, a sign that you were a responsible, mature adult.
Today, the concept of joining something seems to be of less importance. Belonging to an organization doesn’t seem to fit with the Netflix view of the world: paying for a monthly subscription to a service you want to receive. And, admittedly, sometimes it’s hard to see the value in paying for a membership. Compared to belonging to Amazon as a “Prime member,” the benefits may not be as apparent.
So Why Join TCEA?
Membership in an organization like TCEA, however, is still very relevant and needed. TCEA provides a connection in a world where we are increasingly alone. Statistics show that one in three people, or close to 33 percent, of people in the U.S. experience loneliness on a regular basis. Sixty-one percent of younger people in the U.S. say they are chronically lonely. Seventy-three percent of Millennials say they are lonely. Even though we have technology that can connect us together now more than ever, we feel alone. That’s where belonging to an association like TCEA can help.
With TCEA, you are connected to 85,000 other educators like yourself who want to share their experiences, their problems, and their joys. You and all of the other members are working toward a common purpose: innovating teaching and learning with the use of technology. You are striving to make the world a better place, one student, one classroom, one campus, one district at a time. You are NOT alone!
And while other organizations may be working toward similar goals, there are several reasons why TCEA is your best choice.
- Membership in TCEA is inexpensive. The cost to join TCEA is just $49. And if you purchase an online course or register for one of our professional development events and conferences, it’s included for free.
- Membership in TCEA is not an ongoing charge. Once you are a member in TCEA, you have a lifetime membership. All of the benefits, all of the resources, all of the professional learning are yours for as long as you want them at no additional cost.
- Membership in TCEA connects you not only to others like yourself in similar job roles, but it also connects you to educators in different areas of responsibility. As a librarian, for example, you definitely want to connect with other librarians. And you can! But when you join TCEA, you can also connect and learn with instructional coaches, teachers, campus administrators, college professors, tech experts, and more. Your circle is not limited to those just like you — it’s broad and empowering.
- Membership in TCEA reminds you that, while it may not seem like it, the world is still a wonderful place. And we can make a positive difference in it every single day, together.
- Membership in TCEA provides useful, relevant resources and professional learning. Weekly recorded webinars on topics that are important to you; daily blogs with tips and instructional strategies; members-only newsletters that use AI to provide only the stories and information you want; updates on what’s happening with AI, tech, and advocacy issues; and an online community where you can share any time, any place with others who understand you and what you are going through: these are the ways that TCEA supports you as you work to make the world a better place.
If you’re not currently a member, I strongly encourage you to join TCEA today. This organization has changed my life in so many amazing ways, and I know it can do the same for you. Let’s continue our learning journey together!