Home Microsoft MIE Podcast #2: April Wagner on OneNote

MIE Podcast #2: April Wagner on OneNote

by Miguel Guhlin

Welcome to TCEA MIE Podcast #2!  In these conversations, we explore how educators are using Microsoft tools to achieve instructional objectives. At the Tots and Technology 2016 Conference in Galveston, Texas, I had the opportunity to connect with April Wagner. April provides assistance to teachers of students in grades 4-6. She models how to use Office 365 tools in the classroom. In today’s chat, she shares how easily tools like OneNote can be used to collect information and share it with students’ parents.

Microsoft is putting a lot of effort into OneNote.  In fact, they have revamped the Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Program to reflect new features.  For example, in only a few short months, Microsoft has added the ability to quickly embed a variety of media formats into OneNote.

Some of those media formats include Vimeo, Youtube, and Microsoft Snip, an easy-to-use screen capture and audio annotation tool, as well as Microsoft Sway. One of the ways I am using OneNote in my workshops is to setup an “anyone can edit” notebook. Then I ask participants to record an audio summary. The audio summary involves them sharing what they are learning in the session and provides an opportunity for reflection.

This is really a powerful way to introduce folks to how they can use OneNote to capture audio recordings of learners. It makes it easy to keep artifacts (e.g. digitized paper, photos) and audio reflections in one place. A neat tidbit of information is that Office Lens will be available this summer for your Windows tablet (it’s only available for Android and iOS when I wrote this blog entry).

Let’s listen in on the conversation with TCEA member, April Wagner.
(Twitter: @wagnerwoman)

MIE Scenarios

One of April’s suggestions for helping teachers was to explore scenarios that illustrate how to overcome problems they sometimes encounter. Three scenarios that April mentions in our conversation are below. I created some quick “Snips” using Microsoft Snip to illustrate possible solutions:

  • How can you put information in separate sections? How do you put information back when you accidentally put it in the wrong section? Watch video response.
  • How can you delete information in Class Notebooks? Can students delete information in Class Notebooks? Watch video response.
  • How does OneNote Class Notebook interact with MS Classroom? Watch video response.


Thanks for listening to this TCEA MIE Podcast! I hope you will join us again. Subscribe to the TCEA TechNotes blog. You can enter your email and get email notifications, or follow @tcea, as well as @mguhlin, on Twitter to stay in the loop. New blogs are posted several times a week with great information and resources for integrating technology into the classroom. If you are interested getting access to more resources and ideas, please join us for the TCEA MIE Skypechat which will be kicking off in August, 2016, as well as leave a comment on this blog entry to sign up for the TCEA MIE Diigo group, where I frequently share links to web sites, breaking news and more.

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