As you’re reading this blog on a laptop or other device, you may not be thinking about all of the technical support needed to make it possible. Technology has become such a major part of our lives today that we tend to take it for granted. But there’s a lot of work that goes on in the background to make the hardware, software, and connections work. And if you’re in a school district, there is a dedicated group of individuals whose primary responsibility is to keep the tech working and to ensure that we all know how best to use it for teaching and learning.
Ed Tech Appreciation Day
Wednesday, December 7, 2022 is Ed Tech Appreciation Day. This day is designed to celebrate all the professionals who support the use of technology in schools. That covers a wide range of individuals: hardware and software technicians, network administrators, webmasters, database and lab managers, librarians, instructional technologists, administrators, and others. These are the folks who work day in and day out to ensure that the boxes and wires keep working, that you have the tech skills and training you need to best do your job, and that you are empowered with the latest tools and resources. Their learning never stops, and their patience has to be endless, both with the “stuff” and with us, the users.

Unfortunately, many of these dedicated individuals only hear from us when our computer stops working or when the network goes down. So surprise them this year by taking the time to craft a quick note and thank them for their support. Giving them a gift card or a few homemade cookies will go a long way in letting them know how much we really appreciate them. You could even involve your students and have them make a class thank you card or compose a short song to sing to them. These people are so critical to what happens in schools each day. Let’s make sure they know how much we appreciate them!
Additional Reading for Ed Tech Appreciation
- Educational Technology Appreciation Day (2021)
- Celebrate Ed Tech Appreciation Day (2019)
- Show Appreciation for Your Technology Staff (2018)
- Thanking Our Ed Tech Staff (2016)
- Celebrate Ed Tech Appreciation Day (2015)
1 comment
Thank you all for all you do to keep us up and running! We appreciate you greatly! You Guys Rock!
Joy McNally
EHS/TEAC Teacher