Teachers all over the U.S. are getting ready for summer! Who’s ready? *raises hand* Teachers in Texas are also preparing to implement several new TEKS in the upcoming school year. One area that got an update in 2022 was Technology Applications. Let’s look at the new K-8 Tech Apps TEKS to be implemented in August 2024. You’ll also get some free, editable spreadsheets that include “I can” statements.
What Are the TEKS?
In short, the TEKS are the curricular standards adopted by the Texas State Board of Education. These standards outline what students should know and be able to do in each content area for each grade level. State-mandated tests are aligned with these standards to measure student achievement and skills acquisition. If you’d like to learn about other TEKS, take a look at these articles:
- The K-5 Science TEKS and Free, Editable Spreadsheets
- The K-5 Math TEKS and Free, Editable Spreadsheets
- The New K-5 Social Studies TEKS and Free, Editable Spreadsheets
- The K-5 ELAR TEKS and Free, Editable Spreadsheets
- The Middle School ELAR TEKS and Free, Editable Spreadsheets
- See all TEKS at the TEA Website
About the K-8 Tech App TEKS
The new K-8 Tech Apps TEKS were adopted in 2022 to be implemented in schools across Texas in August 2024. TEA has very clearly outlined the updates and revisions to these TEKS, and here are those updates summarized:
1. The Tech App TEKS are no longer presented in grade level bands (e.g., K-2). Each grade level has its own Tech App TEKS.
2. The knowledge and skills are organized into five strands with coordinating substrands that connect to real-world problems and encourage problem solving :
- Strand 1: Computational thinking (new)
- Foundations
- Applications
- Strand 2: Creativity and innovation
- Innovative Design Process
- Emerging Technologies (introduced in Grade 1)
- Strand 3: Data literacy, management, and representation (new)
- Collect Data
- Organize, Manage, and Analyze Data (introduced in Grade 3)
- Communicate and Publish Results (introduced in Grade 2)
- Strand 4: Digital citizenship
- Social Interactions
- Ethics and Laws
- Privacy, Safety, and Security
- Strand 5: Practical technology concepts
- Processes (introduced in Grade 3)
- Skills and Tools
3. Communication and collaboration are woven throughout these TEKS.
4. The terms “with assistance” and “with or without technology” are included to clarify expectations regarding autonomy and technology use.
5. There is an emphasis on the fact that the Tech App TEKS can be integrated into all subject areas. Additionally, schools and districts have the freedom to use them in a “stand-alone course” or embed them within certain courses or subjects.
6. Within the standards, “such as” is used to illustrate examples, whereas “including” alludes to content that must be mastered.
For a breakdown of what is included in each grade level, you can see this slide deck published by TEA.

Helpful TEKS Resources
- Technology Applications Side-by-Side, Grades 6–8
- Technology Applications Vertical Alignment – Organized by Strand
- Technology Applications Vertical Alignment – Organized by Substrand
- Understanding the Updates in the Revised Technology Applications TEKS (Adopted 2022)
- Technology Applications Guidelines for Prekindergarten (updated 2022)
- Technology Applications Frequently Asked Questions
- The Review and Adoption Process
Tech Apps TEKS Freebies from TCEA
As promised, here are some TCEA freebies for you! Below are links to editable spreadsheets for the K-8 Tech Apps TEKS. Within these spreadsheets, you will find a tab for the grade level TEKS and a second tab for “I Can” statements based on the TEKS. Feel free to make a copy of the spreadsheets and use them in whatever way would best benefit you. Is there something else TEKS-related that would be helpful? If so, let me know in the comments! We’d love to hear from you.

Additional STAAR and TEKS Articles You May Find Useful
- The K-5 Science TEKS and Free, Editable Spreadsheets
- The K-5 Math TEKS and Free, Editable Spreadsheets
- The K-5 ELAR TEKS and Free, Editable Spreadsheets
- The New K-5 Social Studies TEKS and Free, Editable Spreadsheets
- The Middle School ELAR TEKS and Free, Editable Spreadsheets
- Reading Language Arts STAAR Test Resources
- STAAR Prep: A K-5 Argumentative/Opinion Writing Strategy
- STAAR Prep: Spelling Strategies, Resources, and Downloadable Posters
- A Practical Strategy for Teaching Editing Skills
- A Powerful and Easy Strategy for Teaching Text Evidence