Home ESL/ELL ELL and Bilingual Resources for Remote Learning

ELL and Bilingual Resources for Remote Learning

by Andrew Roush

In the U.S. today, bilingual education and education for English language learners (ELLs) is in high demand. And while students with limited English proficiency (LEP) might face difficulties at school, institutions have also struggled to support and fund bilingual and ELL programs among a number of competing demands. 

The changes to education occurring because of the COVID-19 pandemic pose new challenges for all kinds of learners, and especially those with limited English proficiency. Organizations are responding to the need, however, and we’ve put together a curated collection of useful resources that can help educators deliver quality English language instruction while in a period of remote teaching and learning.

Resources for ELL Remote Education

  • The nonprofit New Jersey Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages/New Jersey Bilingual Educators shares an extensive list of teaching resources, from best practices to tools and templates.
  • Colorín Colorado, an  English language learning site from WETA Learning Media, has a comprehensive guide for remote ELL education, complete with sample schedules, activities, and more. 
  • For educators looking for Spanish-langauge resources, Colorín Colorado also offers a clearinghouse of bilingual education resources in Spanish.
  • Edutopia outlines ways to use video and learning apps to help engage ELLs.
  • Those searching for interactive learning websites should investigate the University of Wisconsin Libraries’ ESL/ELL Education: Interactive Websites for Learning research guide.
  • The United Federation of Teachers (UFT) has developed its own collection of resources for supporting effective instruction for ELLs, including sites, publications and guides, information from other professional organizations, and more. 
  • You can find webinars and tools in the list of resources available from TESOL, an international association of English language teaching professionals.
  • Common Sense Education shares not only existing resources for ELL education, but also helpful information to help educators independently find or develop resources. 
  • Region 18 Educational Consultant Maria Mata shares health guidelines, lessons, free resources, and more in her Bilingual/ESL/Title III remote teaching resources newsletter
  • The English Learner Support Division of the Texas Education Association (TEA) also shares a number of updates and helpful links, including the English Learner Web Portal

Share Your Ideas

Do you have resources you’d like to share? Let us know in the comments!

Photo by Jon Tyson on Unsplash

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1 comment

Karina Chapa August 18, 2020 - 8:06 am

Region One ESC also has a website with useful online tools to help English Learners during remote learning! Check it out here!
For teachers: https://www.esc1.net/Page/4571
For parents: https://www.esc1.net/Page/4585


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