Are you wondering how to prepare your students for their new remote classroom? If so, you are probably not alone. There are a lot of things to consider so that your students can start the year successfully. Begin by preparing the remote learning environment before students “arrive” at school. Then get students oriented to the new environment so that they feel at ease. Below are some suggestions to prepare them.
Getting Started
- Provide students with instructions (written or video) on how to meet with you on the first day of remote learning. Include the time and/or a link. If you have a Bitmoji, include that and make the instructions fun and light hearted.
Class Structure
- Provide students with a schedule. Include times they will be meeting with you for synchronous instruction.
- Make a video overview on how to navigate the remote classroom. Show them how to login, where to find assignments, how to submit assignments, etc.
- You could also create a scavenger hunt activity that students can complete in order to familiarize themselves with their new classroom.
- Create a poster or some type of visual that lists the classroom expectations or norms.
- Get student input on what the expectations should be by having a discussion with them or allowing them to vote on the most important norms. Get more information about setting norms here.
- Students will need to know how they can contact you. Let them know your preferred method for communicating. In addition, share when they will receive an answer (24 hours, 48 hours, etc.). Post this in your remote classroom.
- If you are holding virtual office hours, let students know when you will be available to meet with them and if they need to sign up or can just show up.
- Students will need to know how to properly communicate with you and peers in the remote classroom. Be sure communication is addressed in the classroom expectations.
You can find these as well as more things to consider at Preparing Students for Remote Instruction Checklist. What else would you add to the checklist? Let us know in the comments below.