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Did you know that video games have been shown to aid in memorization? According to the Journal of Learning, Media and Technology, technology-enhanced learning (TEL) has shown to stimulate an increase in midbrain dopamine. This is what helps us store and recall information more efficiently!
Applying gamified learning to your students’ education ensures that students with diverse learning styles are receiving and retaining the information, too.
Using Boddle Learning
Boddle Learning is a gamified education platform for grades K-6 that implements game mechanics to keep students engaged while learning math. It takes a personalized learning approach that ensures each student is presented with problems that are just right for their level of knowledge.
- Boddle runs constant diagnostics when students start playing the game which gets students to the right level after a series of assessment items.
- Through differentiated learning and continuous assessment, students build confidence and skills, and reduce test anxiety without getting discouraged or feeling left behind.
- Boddle provides real-time reports to educators to gauge students’ learning and easily identify and address learning gaps.
Classroom Implementation
By gradually advancing the students who are on or above grade level and re-teaching missed skills to students who need extra support, Boddle is a resource that allows for all students to feel confident with the knowledge they have while also pushing them to keep learning. Educators can easily differentiate learning for individual students using the “Change Curriculum” feature, as well as through “Assignments.”
Work Boddle into your classroom in a variety of ways; it’s your classroom, so you get to choose the best fit! With the ability to create assignments, Boddle can be used to assign homework and exit tickets, or can be implemented during learning stations.
To see how to get started through the teacher portal, check out this short video.
Accessing Boddle
Boddle is available for free to educators and can be accessed via the web browser on Chromebooks, laptops, and desktops. For educators who use iPads in the classroom, Boddle’s free app is available on the iOS AppStore. You can learn more at Boddle’s website.