Home Good Teaching You’ll Be Thankful for the “Gobble Gobble” Breakout

You’ll Be Thankful for the “Gobble Gobble” Breakout

by Peggy Reimers

It might feel like Christmas is already upon us, judging from the decorations already adorning homes and storefronts. But don’t count out Thanksgiving — especially when there’s a great educational breakout all about Turkey Day that you can use right now! This breakout is great for upper elementary students and above but you know your students best.

Breaking Into Breakouts

A breakout is a bit like an escape room but on a smaller (and safer) scale. Students are challenged to use clues to open locks, and ultimately finish the game. My Thanksgiving-themed breakout, which I developed in 2017, is entirely digital. A digital breakout does not require a physical box and locks, like traditional breakouts. Instead, this type of breakout needs a web page on a Google Site. The page can include images, text, and hidden hyperlinks that students can use to solve digital puzzles.

A Google Form is used to create the digital locks. In order for a Google Form question to act as a lock, the question needs to have the response validation selected. You can find this option by clicking the “Skinny Snowman” (three horizontal dots) in the lower right-hand corner of each question. The most common locks are Direction, Color, Number, Word, Letter, and Date.

Gobble Up the Gobble Gobble Breakout

Screenshot by author.

This one’s not only a fun challenge but it’s filled with interesting facts about the holiday. Did you know Benjamin Franklin wanted the turkey, which he called “a respectable bird,” to be our national animal, instead of the bald eagle? Or that Thanksgiving became a national holiday due, in large part, to one pioneering woman?

Jump in, learn even more, and see if you can break out!

Remember that if you need a hint or two, please email me at preimers@tcea.org. And be sure to check out our other digital breakouts here. Happy Breaking Out!

More Thanksgiving Resources

Ready-to-Use Thanksgiving Resources
Give Thanks with Google Forms
Gratitude Activities for You and Your Students
Native American Heritage Day
Gratitude Towers for Social-Emotional Learning
Thanksgiving Digital Resources
Tips, Tricks, and Tech Tidbits: Thanksgiving Resources, Names, Templates, and More

More Free Digital Breakouts

Featured image created by TCEA.

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Cathy November 4, 2019 - 7:33 am

Thank you for building and sharing these! They’re wonderful!

Peggy Reimers November 4, 2019 - 7:44 am

Thank you Cathy! I am so excited when students get their “hands” and minds on the breakouts.

Luli Vazquez November 11, 2019 - 9:52 am

I absolutely loved the Gobble Gobble breakout! How can I access the Hall of Fame?! 🙂 Thank you for building these!

AMY December 20, 2019 - 11:24 am


Suzanne Butler November 15, 2021 - 8:12 pm

Do you have an answer key my any chance?

Peggy Reimers November 16, 2021 - 8:10 am

Teachers, if you would like the answers, please email me at preimers@tcea.org. I will gladly provide you with the key. Please include your credentials (position, school). Just so I know I am sending answers to educators. =0)

Brandy November 16, 2021 - 8:44 am

Just wanted to let someone know that the “Fall is Here Breakout” link is broken and so is the “Merry Merry Breakout.” Thank you for posting! My kids are going to love the Gobble Gobble breakout!

Peggy Reimers November 16, 2021 - 9:06 am

Thank you for bringing that to my attention. The links are now fixed.

shari November 14, 2022 - 10:24 am

This looks like a lot of fun, but I’m not sure how to play. Can you explain it for me and/or show an example? Thanks!

Kimberly McClish November 16, 2022 - 1:26 pm

Any chance you will do some breakout-type activities using Microsoft products?

Peggy Reimers November 17, 2022 - 8:23 am

Hi Kimberly,
I don’t have any plans right now to create with Microsoft. But I will put this one my idea-radar list. Thank you so much for the request.

Olivia November 20, 2022 - 3:01 pm

Answers plz!!!!!!!!!

Emily Hopkins November 21, 2022 - 11:41 am

Hi Olivia, you can reach out to preimers@tcea.org to request the answers. Thanks!


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