Today is the 24th annual System Administrator Appreciation Day. This is a day that is celebrated each year on the last Friday of July to highlight system administrators and IT professionals everywhere. Because let’s face it, could we do our jobs without them? Negative. In the words of,
Your network is secure, your computer is up and running, and your printer is jam-free. Why? Because you’ve got an awesome sysadmin (or maybe a whole IT department) keeping your business up and running. So say IT loud; say IT proud …Happy SysAdmin Day!

So in celebration of system administrators everywhere, say a big thanks to the IT professionals in your life that keep you up and running every day. Here are a few ideas for how, and these aren’t just for today!
Eleven Ways to Show Appreciation
- Say thank you verbally. Go to their office and express gratitude to them directly. Encourage others to do so as well.
- Buy them breakfast or lunch.
- Collect appreciation notes from other staff, write your own, tie them all up with a big ribbon, and give them all to your sysadmin.
- Give a big shout-out on social media and encourage others to do so as well.
- If it’s possible, and if you have this authority, give them a day off!
- Snacks. Goodies. Coffee. All of these.
- Give them a gift card and a “Thank you” card signed by all the staff.
- Highlight their accomplishments publicly (on social, in a meeting, via email). What have they specifically done to improve technology in your school or district? I’m willing to bet– a lot.
- Have a party (full on with pizza, cake, and ice cream) to celebrate them.
- Offer them tickets to an event (concert, sports, play, etc.) that you know they’d love.
- Make funny t-shirts to wear advertising how amazing they are.

Additional SysAdmin Day Resources:
TCEA’s SysAdmin Conference is coming up on November 2-3, 2023. If you’re ready to network with the best in the business and expand your knowledge with peers in the field, you’re ready for SysAdmin. And there’s early bird pricing through September 2!