I don’t think any of us could have predicted what the state of teaching and learning would look like today with the virus, shelter-in-place orders, and remote learning. It came out of the blue and, quite frankly, really surprised us. And that means that we weren’t able to prepare for it. Teachers and administrators were thrust into roles that they had only heard discussed previously or had possibly had mentioned in training.
So it’s understandable that the anxiety level of our educators across the county, and even the world, is extremely high right now because of all the unknowns. There are a ton of questions about the teaching and learning. How long will this last? Will we be able to actually have physical school again? How do I teach students who don’t have internet access at home? How can I support my special needs students?
And then there are the questions about the technology. How can I make sure my students are productive while online? How does Zoom or Google Classroom work? Which assignments that are sent home should be graded and how? What kind of lesson plans work well digitally?
Good News
The good news is that TCEA is here to help you. Connecting people, demonstrating how to best to use technology for digital learning, providing ideas on how to support those working remotely, coaching teachers to feel more comfortable with these changes, all of it is exactly what we do — and have done for 40 years.
To help support everyone during this time (and beyond), TCEA today is offering free, one-year membership in the organization. The free membership includes all of the online learning, resources, networking, and other features that can help you not only survive this scary time, but also thrive in it. The free membership is open to anyone, regardless of where you live or work; whether you are in a public school, private school, or home school; whether you are a teacher or administrator or librarian or counselor or technician or anyone working in education today.
The free membership will be available Monday, March 30, 2020 beginning at 8:00 a.m. Central and running through Friday, May 8. If you are already a member, you can add on another year of membership at no cost by taking advantage of this free offer.
Even More Good News
Also beginning today, TCEA will be providing additional, short videos on key issues for teachers and leaders during this time of remote learning. The videos are designed to answer some of the many questions we have received about how to offer effective and engaging learning opportunities to students at home.
They will be available on this website with four new videos added each day. All of the videos will include quick, easy-to-implement ideas, lessons, activities, and resources.
Here are just a few of the topics we’ll cover:
- Teaching and Leading Remotely: How TCEA Can Help
- Become a Zoom Expert!
- Remote Learning with Google Classroom
- Teaching Remotely with G Suite for Education
- Setting Up Educational Playlists in YouTube
- Staying Connected with Your Students and Staff
- Keep Remote Learning Simple
- Using Fliphunts in an Online Setting
- Google Sites for Remote Learning
- Differentiated Reading Resources to Help
- Digital Audiobooks for Free
- Making Worksheets Interactive
- Test-Enhanced Learning Made Easy
- Using Screencasts to Facilitate Learning From Home
- And many more!
So make time today to sign up for your year’s worth of learning, sharing, leading, and creating by taking advantage of our free membership. Then check out the resources to help you master remote teaching and leading. And remember, you are not alone in this endeavor. TCEA is here with you, along with all of our members.
Photo: sydney Rae