Home Microsoft Celebrating the 2016 TCEA MIE Cohort

Celebrating the 2016 TCEA MIE Cohort

by Miguel Guhlin

Microsoft has a huge presence in classrooms and offices. Whether you are a student, parent, teacher, librarian, or administrator, you probably often find yourself interacting with powerful Office 365 tools and mobile apps. Through the Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) program, Texas educators in 2016 were able to become certified, earning the coveted MIE badge.

Purpose of the MIE WorkshopsMIE

Microsoft and TCEA partnered to bring Texas educators comprehensive and engaging face-to-face workshops that spanned the state. Participants explored tools like Office 365, Microsoft Classroom, Microsoft Forms, OneNote 2016, Sway, and many other fantastic resources. These courses are designed to help educators deepen their grasp of Office 365 tools for classroom use and student learning.

Celebrating the TCEA Microsoft Certified Educators

We would like to congratulate the almost 340 Texas educators who have earned the MIE designation as of December, 2016. You can see all of their names here. This is a tremendous accomplishment and we are so very proud of each of these innovative educators!

Become a Member of the MIE 2017 Cohort

Interested in learning more about scheduling a face-to-face workshop or webinar series on Office 365 tools and gaining your Microsoft certification? Contact Ashley Weiler at aweiler@tcea.org. Group discounts are available for districts/campuses who want to register a group of their educators as a cohort; contact Dr. Bruce Ellis at bellis@tcea.org for more information on group discounts.


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