The opening date for 2022 TCEA Convention & Exposition registration and housing is just around the corner, September 23 at 9 a.m. Central, to be exact! Make your plans to register today, and check out these top tips to thrive as you plan to attend TCEA 2022.
1. Mark your calendar for September 23 at 9 a.m. Central!

This is one of TCEA’s busiest days each year, and for a good reason. In football terms, this is the “draft.” This is the day phones are ringing, chats are coming in, and members are excited that they just confirmed their registration and booked their hotel for the most exciting event of 2022. Some hotels even sell out on day one, so be sure to save the date, mark your calendar, and visit the convention website to join us.
2. Know your attendance options.
As you share your excitement for opening day, do some research to determine what attendance option best fits your needs. The all-access pass, Full Conference Registration, is all that and a bag of treats! Yes, you guessed it. You can fill up your PD toolbox, have tips to share with your colleagues, and even leave with a convention bag full of exhibitor giveaways. We also provide a One-Day Badge for those who can’t get off campus for too long, an Exhibit Hall Only Badge to discover new products and solutions, and even an Online Sessions Package (or two) for those who cannot travel to Dallas. Get to know your options here.

3. Choose your convention hotel.
As you plan, be sure to determine your preferred hotel and have a couple of backup options before opening day. Check out all hotel possibilities, their respective rates, and their proximity to the Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center here. TCEA even provides complimentary shuttle service to hotels further than a city block away from the venue. And remember that your best deal is with the hotels provided through TCEA’s block.
4. Understand the flexible payment options.
Unsure which budget the registration fee is coming from? Not ready to charge your credit card just yet? TCEA has got you covered with our 30-day payment policy. When you register, you may select the “Invoice” option, which will allow you to register without paying (yet). You will then have 30 days to provide an acceptable form of payment, whether you use hard cash, a check, a credit card, or provide a purchase order. TCEA does accept purchase orders as a form of payment to lock you in.

5. Determine your preferred session topics and speakers.
TCEA prides itself on its members and its jaw-dropping, deep-diving, research-based keynotes, thought leaders, and speakers from across the state, nationally, and even internationally. Speakers who come to the convention have shaped it to be the event that drives good teaching, learning, and leading. You’ll want to be sure to dive into TCEA’s Schedule Overview and get acquainted with the detailed session listing coming out the week of registration. Be sure to find your favorite topics and identify those speakers you don’t want to miss.

6. Discover Dallas!
TCEA is headed to Dallas, and we are excited to share this city with you. Dallas is home to world-class cultural institutions, a hub for education, and renowned dining and nightlife. We’re excited to invite you to Dallas — a great place to learn, explore, and reconnect. In between all the fun at TCEA 2022, be sure to plan some time to explore the sites and sounds of the city.
7. Get your approval early.
Outline your expenses and all the wonderful benefits the TCEA Convention & Exposition has to offer you, your school, and your district, then present it to your administration. We make it easy by providing an editable template on our attendee resources page to help you convince your boss to send you to the convention. Be sure to get approval before September 23 so you can celebrate opening day with us by completing your registration.
8. Secure your funding.
There is now more funding through ESSER money than previously available to both Texas and US schools for professional development events. Whether you can attend using your district’s PD budget or need financial support to attend, there are more options than ever before. Check out this article sharing resources to locate additional funding available to attend. If these options aren’t available to you, take a peek at TCEA’s volunteer opportunities opening in November, where some TCEA members can volunteer in exchange for complimentary registration.
9. Invite your colleagues and friends.
The more, the merrier! Be sure to invite your colleagues, friends, and all the past buddies you’ve met at previous TCEA events. Be sure your gang is a part of this amazing learning experience, too.

10. Share your convention excitement.
We hope you are as excited as we are to come back together with our TCEA family in this shared experience. Check out the attendee resources page for phone backgrounds, social media graphics, and more, and start sharing your excitement. Be sure to use the hashtags #TCEA and #TCEA22 so we can see it, too.