As a teacher in the classroom, during the month of May, I remember searching high and low for fun and engaging activities to celebrate a year of learning with my students. So, I visited the National Day Calendar website for inspiration. I found that the third Friday in May is National Pizza Party Day. Who knew?
What I find interesting is the website gives no reason for the third Friday in May being selected for Pizza Party Day. But they do say, “Come up with a reason for a pizza party and start ordering.” I would turn that into a classroom activity. Have your students come up with reasons why to have a pizza party!
This celebration could be your end-of-the-year party or a special day to be celebrated at the end of May. If funds are tight, call up your local pizzeria and let them know that third Friday in May is Pizza Party Day! See if they can make a donation or a matching deal for your classroom.
Besides enjoying a slice of pizza, I have created the following activities to complement this national day of deliciousness.
The Pizza Digital Breakout

The Pizza Digital Breakout is a fun and engaging activity that challenges students to solve puzzles using the information given on the Pizza Digital Breakout Google Site. The clues are hidden in the information, and a Google Form embedded on the site is used to enter the answers. There are four locks included on this breakout and, as always, teachers can email me at for the answers. It’s a great way to get students excited about Pizza Party Day while also incorporating problem-solving and critical thinking skills.
Which One Doesn’t Belong

Which One Doesn’t Belong is an activity that challenges students to identify the odd one out from a group of related items. This activity is perfect for Pizza Party Day because there are so many different pizza-related topics that can be used! The goal is to determine which one of the four items doesn’t belong with the others and explain why. Quite frequently, there is more than one acceptable answer. The secret sauce is in the reasoning.
For example, Hormel Pepperoni, Italian Sausage, Canadian Bacon, and a pork chop are displayed. You might decide a pork chop doesn’t belong because it is not a typical meat you would find on a pizza. Or you might reason that the pork chop doesn’t belong because the other three types of meat are sliced or crumbled on a pizza.
The game encourages children to think critically about similarities and differences between items and to use their reasoning skills to explain the choices they make.
Pizza Dilemmas: Would You Rather

The Pizza Dilemmas: Would You Rather is a game that can be adapted to fit any theme, including Pizza Party Day! Students are shown a series of questions that ask them to choose between two different pizza-related options. For example, teachers could ask, “Would you rather dine on pizza with a fork/knife or with your hands in mittens?” or “Would you rather eat pizza with scrambled eggs or green beans?” This activity is a fun way to get students thinking creatively and sharing their opinions.
Happy Pizza Party Day everyone! If May 19 does not fit into your plans this year, check out the following pizza-related dates and plan for next year:
Pizza Celebration Days
- February 9 National Pizza Day
- March 14 National Pi Day
- April 5 National Deep Dish Pizza Day
- May 19 (Third Friday) National Pizza Party Day
- September 5 National Cheese Pizza Day
- September 20 National Pepperoni Pizza Day
- October National Pizza Month
If you have any pizza-themed activities to add to my list, please share them with everyone by posting them in the comments.