What is a digital breakout?
A digital breakout does not require a physical box and locks. Instead, this type of breakout needs a web page on a Google Site. The page contains images, text, and hidden hyperlinks that students can use to solve digital puzzles. A Google Form is used to create the digital locks. In order for a Google Form question to act as a lock, the question needs to have the response validation selected. You can find this option by clicking the Skinny Snowman (three horizontal dots) in the lower right-hand corner of each question. The most common locks are Direction, Color, Number, Word, Letter, and Date.
Tips for Making Digital Breakouts Easier for Everyone
A digital breakout can be a little confusing at first because directions are not provided or spelled out specifically. It helps for students to work in pairs (two brains process information differently, which really helps in finding answers). Try working out a digital breakout as a class first to model possible strategies.
The Boo Breakout
Won’t you join over 4000 students and teachers who have solved The Boo Breakout? Just like all of my breakouts, you can email me for the answers at preimers@tcea.org.
More Digital Breakouts
- Back-to-School Breakout
- Falling for Digital Breakouts
- 50 States Digital Breakout
- Spooky Games and Breakouts
- PB & J Digital Breakout
- Winter Breakouts
- MLK Day Breakout
- Merry Merry Breakout
- Valentine’s Day Digital Breakout
- The Boo Breakout
- Trick or Treat Digital Breakout