I recently tried a new AI website that I’d heard about. It’s the AI Personality Test, and to be honest, I wasn’t expecting much from it. But I was pleasantly surprised.
How the AI Personality Test Works
You talk with their “AI interviewer” for approximately five minutes. (A microphone is required.) The interviewer asks follow-up questions to get to know you better. At the end of the interview, you’re given a comprehensive report about your personality. It’s analyzed based on thousands of past responses.
What I Liked about the AI Personality Test
- I found the interviewer’s voice very soothing and calming. I almost left like I was talking with a real person.
- The questions seemed to be written specifically for me. They allowed me to think about things I hadn’t considered before, which was a surprise.
- The report I received after the interview was very detailed and included not only thoughts about my personality (The Nurturer), but also:
- Book recommendations to help me in my journey
- Movie recommendations (which were spot on for me)
- Song recommendations and links (again, exactly what I would have chosen)
- Celebrity “doppelgangers” that have a similar personality (Tom Hanks, Michelle Obama, and Drew Barrymore for me)
- “Guesses” about my diet, my perfect weekend, and my wardrobe, all of which perfectly described me
- It also offered insights on my strengths and weaknesses, career, friends, presents, and date night activities.
You can see my final report here.

What I Didn’t Like about the AI Personality Test
- The “trying this might do wonders” section was not really helpful or specific to my personality. It recommended organizing my physical space each morning. I normally am a very organized and tidy person, so this didn’t fit me.
- I shared with it my desire to be more physically active this new year, so I was expecting it would make some recommendations for that. But it didn’t mention this.
- I was originally worried about data privacy. They have a very detailed privacy policy available here, which made me feel a little bit better. But I would not share any “secret” or private information with them.
Other Personality Tests
There are a number of other free AI personality tests available:
- Humanality
- Personality Reveal
- Free Personality Quiz
- Zelfium Personality Test
- FireplaceGPT (requires you to log in with your email address)
I haven’t tried any of these or verified their claim to be “free” or their privacy policies.
Final Thoughts
This free test, requiring no registration to access it, was created by a company that would like to sell its service to large companies for employee personality tests. But for free, it was really pretty good and accurate. I appreciated learning a little bit more about myself, and the overall experience being interviewed was enjoyable. It’s obviously not suitable for anyone under 18, so you can’t have your students use it. But it might be fun and possibly enlightening for you to take the test. Let me know what you find out in the comments below!