Home Digital Breakout The Snowstorm Stumper Digital Breakout

The Snowstorm Stumper Digital Breakout

by Peggy Reimers
Students enjoy the Snowstorm Stumper digital breakout.

What is a digital breakout?

Take a digital journey where physical locks are swapped for a Google Site. On this webpage, students find images, text, and secret links making up digital puzzles. The key is a Google Form, turning each question into a lock. Challenges include things like direction, color, number, word, letter, and date. It’s a fun, no-limits adventure mixing curiosity with tech, where creativity and smarts shine.

Simplify Digital Breakouts with These Helpful Tips

Digital breakouts might seem a bit puzzling initially since specific directions aren’t laid out. Teaming up in pairs is a smart move because two heads think differently, making it easier to find answers. Consider tackling a digital breakout as a class first to showcase potential strategies and get everyone on the same page.

The Snowstorm Stumper Digital Breakout

If you are new to my breakouts or a breakout fanatic, here are a couple of insider tips.

  • I always try to include one or two hidden links for lock answers.
  • I rarely use links to outside websites because I never know when the link might break or when inappropriate content could pop up. So best just to stay away!
  • WYSIWYG is always in place. The order in which the clue is displayed on the page is the lock order. I never mix up text or images for an answer. 
  • Sometimes I use a lock I created myself. It is called a Number Shape Lock. Look for an object you see a whole bunch of in the Google Form, the hidden locks, or even on the page itself. Determine the shape of the object: sphere, square, or perhaps a circle. Look for this object everywhere! Keep count of how many you spot, and this is the number you will use in the lock answer.

This breakout has four locks:

  • Six Color Lock
  • Five Direction Lock
  • Four Number Lock
  • Four Letter Lock

Enjoy the breakout fun! Teachers, if you require answers, reach out me. Peggy, at preimers@tcea.org. Have a breakout topic in mind? Drop a comment, and I might whip one up just for you!

Need help on how Digital Breakouts work? Read this.

More Free Digital Breakouts

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