Home Content AreasEnglish Language Arts Reading (ELAR) The Middle School ELAR TEKS and Free, Editable Spreadsheets

The Middle School ELAR TEKS and Free, Editable Spreadsheets

by Emily Horn
6-8 ELAR TEKS and Free, Editable Spreadsheets

We’re back with more editable TEKS! I’m working my way through the K-12 content areas, and if there’s a set of TEKS you’d like to see published, send me an email at ehorn@tcea.org or leave a comment, and I’ll add them to my running list. Today, we’ll be exploring the Middle School ELAR TEKS. Who’s with me? Anybody? Bueller? Let’s go!

What Are the TEKS?

In short, the TEKS are the curricular standards adopted by the Texas State Board of Education. These standards outline what students should know and be able to do in each content area for each grade level. State-mandated tests are aligned with these standards to measure student achievement and skills acquisition.

About the Middle School ELAR TEKS

The current Middle School ELAR TEKS were adopted in 2017 and amended to be effective in 2019. The introduction for the 6-8 grade ELAR TEKS is almost identical to its K-5 counterpart. Let’s take a look at how middle school knowledge and skills build upon the foundation of the K-5 ELAR TEKS.

  1. Like the K-5 ELAR TEKS, grades 6-8 focus on the four domains of listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
  2. Additionally, the seven strands started within the K-5 TEKS continue through grades 6-8:
    • Strand 1: Developing and sustaining foundational language
    • Strand 2: Comprehension
    • Strand 3: Response
    • Strand 4: Multiple texts
    • Strand 5: Author’s purpose and craft
    • Strand 6: Composition
    • Strand 7: Inquiry and research
  3. The focus on oral language (expression and comprehension) continues to weave through these grade 6-8 ELAR TEKS as a focal point for literacy as well as authentic reading and reflective writing.
  4. As in K-5, it is clearly stated within the 6-8 ELAR TEKS that each strand is of equal value, although some strands may require more instructional time than others. The strands can be presented in any order but they should be integrated throughout the instructional year.
  5. References to encoding and decoding have been removed from this intro, as would be expected.
  6. The goal remains for students to become “self-directed, critical learners who work collaboratively while continuously using metacognitive skills.”
  7. As in K-5, there should be daily opportunities for students to read, write, engage in academic discussions, and be read to.
  8. English Language Learners (ELLs) are expected to meet standards in a second language, and their language development affects their ability to demonstrate mastery of skills in English. Therefore, they should be provided scaffolding for text comprehension and linguistic accommodations to help ensure mastery.
  9. ELLs should also be encouraged to use their first language to help them develop and build English vocabulary. Making connections between a native language and English is important to English language development (affective, cognitive, and academic).
  10. Within the standards, “such as” is used to illustrate examples, whereas “including” alludes to content that must be mastered.

Helpful TEKS Documents

6-8 Grade ELAR TEKS Freebies from TCEA

Ready for some editable freebies? Snag spreadsheets for grades 6-8 ELAR below. Each spreadsheet contains one tab with the TEKS and a second tab with “I can” statements. I hope you find these useful and that they save you a little time somehow.

English Language Arts Free and Editable TEKS Spreadsheets

Additional STAAR and TEKS Articles You May Find Useful

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