Our executive director, Lori Gracey, discovered another AI (artificial intelligence) tool for educators: MagicSchool.ai! When she tossed it out for the TCEA Professional Department to write a blog, I jumped at the chance to explore it. I am totally on board with AI tools that make teachers’ lives easier with time-saving tools, resources, and features. And MagicSchool does just that. I’m excited to share what it offers with you. Also, it’s important to note that Adeel Khan is the CEO and founder of MagicSchool. He is a lifelong teacher and principal, and he started MagicSchool.ai specifically to help overworked educators. Thanks, Adeel!
What is MagicSchool?
MagicSchool is an AI-powered educational platform designed to deliver personalized learning experiences spanning kindergarten to college levels. Leveraging advanced machine learning capabilities, it tailors content, monitors progress, and enriches engagement and effectiveness across this diverse educational spectrum. Users have the flexibility to select predefined standards or specific topics, along with a range of customization options for each tool.
The Features of MagicSchool
The website has a free account and a premium account (cost TBD) for teachers. There is also a school or district account. You can book a meeting to get custom AI tools built for your school or district and to find out more.

- Trained on educational best practices
- Compliant with FERPA
- Declines non-education-related requests
- Nice tool filter
- The response generator has quick copy button for easy pasting
- May produce biased or inaccurate information
- Knowledge up to the year 2021
- As of yet, it cannot search the internet or produce images
MagicSchool.ai Tools
MagicSchool.ai offers 40+ AI tools for teachers that are searchable by keyword and categorized for planning, student support, community, productivity, and community tools. Let’s take a look:

- Conceptual Understanding Generator
- Lesson Plan Generator
- Academic Content Generator
- Rubric Generator
- Math Spiral Review Generator
- AI-Resistant Assignment Suggestions
- Unit Plan Generator
- Math Story Word Problems
- 5e Model Science Lesson Plan Generator
- Diagnostic Assessment Generator
- Multiple Choice Quiz Generator– Text-Based
- Informational Text Generator
- Make It Relevant!
- Text Leveler Tool
- Data Table Analysis Generator
- Vocabulary List -–Topic Based
- Text Dependent Questions
- Reading Quiz Generator
- Common Misconception Generator
- Vocabulary-Based Text Generator
- Clear Directions
- Multiple Explanations for Complex Concepts
- Text Analysis Assignment Generator
- Vocabulary List – Text-Based
- Assignment Scaffolder
- Exemplar & Non-Exemplar
- Text Scaffolder Tool
Student Support
- Behavior Intervention SuggestionGenerator
- Text Leveler Tool
- IEP Suggestion Generator
- BIP Suggestion Generator
- Accommodation Text Leveler Tool Generator
- Text Scaffolder Tool
- Student Work Feedback Tool
- Syllabus Generator
- E-mail Family Tool
- Class Newsletter Tool
- E-mail Responder
- Letter of Recommendation
- Text Rewriter Tool
- Text Translator Tool
- Text Proofreader Tool
- Text SummarizerTool
Community Tools
- Teacher Joke generator
- Team Builder/Icebreaker
- Colleague Song Generator
- Coaches Sports Practice Generator
- Restorative Reflection Generator
- EOY Student Comments
- SAT Math Practice Test Generator
- SAT Reading Questions Custom
- SAT Reading Practice Test Generator
Some Guidelines for Use
- Apply the 80/20 approach. Use AI tools for initial work, then add your touch. Review for bias, accuracy, and context in the final 20%.
- Your judgment is key. AI content is a starting point, not a final one. Follow your school’s policies! At the end of the day, you are the responsible party.
- Understand AI’s limits. Some AI tools only have access to information prior to 2021. Be cautious with recent topics and fact-check!
- Ensure privacy. Avoid sharing student names or addresses. But MagicSchool.ai strives to remove accidental submissions quickly.
Testing Four MagicSchool Tools
Student Work Feedback Tool

The first tool I tried was the Student Work Feedback Tool. As a former teacher, sometimes it was hard to come up with feedback for an elementary classroom of 22 fourth-grade writers. This sure would have been helpful to provide positives and ways to improve when it came to providing constructive feedback.
Math Story Word Problems

This tool rocks! I was able to select a topic (dinosaurs), and I also included the names of students in my pretend class. I was very specific in the math objective. I wanted two-digit addition with answers below 100. Bonus: The generator also gave me the answers. Impressive!
Lesson Plan Generator

For the Lesson Plan Generator, I used our 2021 Virtual Robotics Contest prompt, but with a twist. For “What you’re Teaching”, I set the lesson focus to be the engineering design process. I was impressed with the plan MagicSchool produced. It also produced an extension and homework activity! Plus, it generated the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). I can certainly see where I could modify this generator to pinpoint my objectives and activities, but this gave me a great start. See the whole lesson plan!
Teacher Joke Generator

An extra bonus offered by MagicSchool: A joke maker. So fun! I had to stop myself from going down the rabbit joke-hole.
AI Pioneers Program
Educators can also join the AI Pioneers Program, which is a collective of forward thinkers on a mission to improve the lives of teachers.
With the array of free AI tools available for teachers, MagicSchool.ai presents a dynamic platform that aligns with a teacher’s responsibilities. This AI tool can assist educators in tailoring instruction to their students’ needs. From AI-Resistant Assignment Suggestions to Behavior Intervention Suggestion Generators, the toolbox is brimming with solutions that can streamline our teaching efforts, providing more time to focus on what truly matters: fostering meaningful learning experiences.
1 comment
This site has just released another COOL and NEW Tool – Science Lab Generator: MagicSchool.ai has added a new Science Lab Generator tool that is sure to be a hit among science teachers. Build custom and interesting labs that engage students and align with standards in your classroom!