Home Android Create Emoji Mashups in Seconds with These Emoji Makers

Create Emoji Mashups in Seconds with These Emoji Makers

by Miguel Guhlin
emoji maker

Wish you had an easy way to create emojis? Sure, you can find them everywhere on the web. But what about creating your own emoji darlings for custom projects and inserts? Let’s take a look at some emoji makers you can use to make your own custom emojis.

Robot with holly and Christmas decorations
Generated via prompt by TCEA’s Lori Gracey. Prompt was “Robot with holly and Christmas decorations”

Tool #1: AI-Powered Emoji Generator

Looking for an AI-powered emoji maker? Check out this Emoji Generator. You will find many examples like the one shown above. The key to an amazing emoji? The quality of your prompt. For example, in line with my penchant for owls, I offered this prompt:

An horned owl with a happy smile, dressed in arcane robes with blue and silver runes, holding a staff aloft

Quote for emoji generated below
Generated as a result of prompt by author

Of the tools on this list, the AI-powered Emoji Generator above will cost you $9.99 for a lifetime license. Too much awesomeness? Let’s take a look at some simpler, less expensive, albeit powerful, emoji mashup tools.

Tool #2: Google’s Emoji Kitchen

One quick emoji maker you can get started with is Google’s Emoji Kitchen. To get access to it, type “emoji kitchen” into Google’s Search box. Then, click on “Get Cooking” button. This will make it easy for you to create a new, random emoji combination, or select from existing emojis.

Various emojis shown through Google's Emoji Kitchen with the option to mix two emojis, randomize, or clear all.
Screenshot by author of Google Search Emoji Kitchen

For example, I wanted to create a cowboy clown emoji. To do that, I took these steps:

  • Clicked on “Clear All” button
  • Selected Cowboy emoji
  • Selected Clown emoji

And, then voila! The cowboy clown emoji resulted:

Clown emoji plus a cowboy emoji equals a clown cowboy emoji in Emoji Kitchen.
Screenshot by author of Clown Cowboy emoji mix made using Google’s Emoji Kitchen

The “5” die under the first two emojis result in a random emoji. The overlapping boxes under the third emoji signify “copy” and allows you to copy the emoji so you can paste it elsewhere.

Emoji Mashup of hug and robot emojis by the author using Google's Emoji Kitchen
Emoji Mashup of hug and robot emojis by the author using Google’s Emoji Kitchen

Another creation appears below, the rainbow panda:

Screenshot of Rainbox Panda emoji mix made using Google’s Emoji Kitchen

With this amazing emoji maker, you will enjoy hours of endless fun mashing up emojis to get the ones you want. You can also use this emoji maker on iOS mobile. Android users can rely on Gboard to get the same effect. You have even more choices on Gboard than you do via the web version of the Emoji Kitchen. Give it a try!

Tool #3: EmojiMix

Ready to combine emojis of all sorts online? Give EmojiMix a spin.

Turtle emoji plue rabbit emoji equals rabbit turtle emoji in EmojiMix
Screenshot by author of Rabbit Turtle emoji from EmojiMix

Available through Google Play, you can run the app on any device that uses Android, including Chromebooks. I found it easy to install on my Lenovo Duet Chromebook as an Android app. Then, I selected two emojis to combine to get this cowboy emoji with sunglasses. Ain’t it cool?

Unfortunately, this app isn’t available for iOS, only Android capable devices.

Tool #4: Emoji Mashup by Louan Bengman

This easy to use emoji mashup bot makes emoji mashups a snap.

Screenshot by author: Emoji Mashup Bot

Pick your first emoji, choose a second emoji, and hit the Mashup button! As you can see, you have a variety of options in this browser-based mashup tool. Give it a try!

Using Emojis in the Classroom

You may be wondering, “Why use emojis?” There are many opportunities to create emojis. Emojis offer a creative outlet for students to use, for good or ill, and they are great for storytelling.

Here are a few reasons how you can use emojis in the classroom:

  • Classroom wall illustrations. Use them to spice up your anchor charts, bulletin boards.
  • Make student faces anonymous. Each student can invest their creativity in an emoji to represent them on a class chart. Use emojis instead of pictures.
  • Social-emotional learning activity. Students use emojis to show their feelings or to chart group project status.

Looking for more ideas? Read these blog entries:

And, special thanks to Lindsay Foster for sharing these curriculum ideas:

Now, let’s make some emojis!

You’ve seen three tools for emoji makers as well as some ideas for classroom use. I hope you’ll share some of your own tools and ideas in the comments below. In the meantime, allow me to end with this creation by my colleague, Peggy Reimers:

Featured Image: Screenshot by author of Google Search “emoji kitchen” search

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Lindsay Foster September 22, 2023 - 10:32 am

Here are some other ways that you can use emojis in lesson activities:
Emoji Fairy Tales (or for any book report, book summary, character summary, etc.) https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1TYlZQu3gvE66IAIM8jzK2rG1sBrN_PSbkWawfD-tuzM/template/preview
Variety of ideas using emojis in lessons: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1YgDvm5kcr2zVbBgHJyIqRYtMem0fend7bv2ACsaNjQI/template/preview
Additional curriculum lesson ideas for emojis: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1gKRq50txI4beeZd6_61qhqrIR_4HA1O-iMmqlAalfCs/template/preview

Miguel Guhlin September 22, 2023 - 10:40 am

Lindsay, thanks so much for sharing those ideas! I’m sure readers will be delighted.

Warm regards,

ScraterType September 29, 2023 - 9:49 am

none of the emoji mixes had a plane. I couldn’t make a 9/11 picture.

Miguel Guhlin September 29, 2023 - 10:11 am

You know, I wish it was easy to use one of these emoji mashup tools to create unique emoji. You might take a look at the Emoji Supply:

It offers some additional choices (e.g. plane) but I’m not sure if it will meet your needs or treat the subject with the respect required.

Wishing you well,
Miguel Guhlin

Teague October 5, 2023 - 10:37 am

HatTip again, Miguel! These are helpful resources with specific purposes! I will be sharing your post with graduate students to address the concept of iterative design and specificity of direction-giving for new technology integration. Success for me was found with increasingly specific and descriptive prompts. The process for each emoji rendered was about 4 tries. This brought up a third activity addressing the assumptions made in communication (even AI does not work with assumptions and biases. For example, one of my prompts was “emojji holding tennis racket with Christmas decorations.” The result was a Telly Salvalas-looking dude holding a metal racket with Christmas decorations surrounding him. Four prompts later with increasing specificity on my part resulted in success for me, according to my pre-conceived idea! Interestingly, I also like emoji.is’s third rendering but it was not exactly correct (for me) until prompt #4. **Thank you***for sharing these resources!!!

Miguel Guhlin October 12, 2023 - 9:36 am

Dr. Teague, you are too kind. I’m so excited you found that helpful. Did you give Google’s Emoji Kitchen a try?

I have another blog entry pending publication that shares some additional AI tools for art. They are quite impressive (to me, at least, who can’t draw to save his life). I can’t wait for you to see it.


Jessica Marko August 3, 2024 - 2:10 am

Google update the combination for Emoji Mashup / Kicthen. I found all possible combinations of the emojies here on https://emojikitchen.pro/

dhruv patel November 11, 2024 - 1:39 am

If you’d like to try different emoji combinations, I recommend checking out https://emojismixer.com/! 🎨✨ I recently discovered it and have been using it for unique emoji mixes 😊.

UDAYNATH PRADHAN March 6, 2025 - 3:53 am

I am trying to open my emoji kitchen website in an incognito browser, but it is not opening. Can anyone tell me what is happening?

Miguel Guhlin March 6, 2025 - 6:20 am

Yes, that URL you shared doesn’t work. Simply go to Google search and enter “emoji kitchen” then click on the result to access the emoji kitchen.


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