Home Classroom Management Classroom Management Strategies for Teachers

Classroom Management Strategies for Teachers

by Diana Benner

Are you looking for some classroom management strategies to try in your classroom? One of the biggest challenges many teachers face is classroom management, and it’s not automatic. In fact, it’s a skill that teachers build on over time. Teachers are constantly refining their classroom management strategies to find what works best. Here are some strategies for managing your ideal classroom environment.

Establish Clear Expectations

It’s important that clear and consistent expectations for behavior be set. One way to do this is to get your students involved in the process. Ask your students to brainstorm ideas for their own classroom expectations. This will allow your students to take ownership of their environment and will show them you value their thoughts. In addition, you might want to post the classroom rules visibly. It’s easy to create posters in Google Slides or Canva. A visual display will help you to easily refer to them when needed so expectations remain clear.

Build Positive Relationships

Research supports the idea that early relationships and interactions, including those with teachers, play a central role in shaping a student’s behavior. You can develop positive relationships with your students by showing interest in their lives. In order to get to know your students better, consider creating an interest survey in Google or Microsoft Forms. Listen to your student’s concerns and treat them with respect. You’ll find that creating a supporting and caring classroom environment will help foster a sense of belonging among your students.

Establish Classroom Routines

Establish clear routines and procedures for your classroom. Routines can come in many forms, beginning before students even walk into your classroom. For example, consider how you want to manage the traffic flow in and out of your classroom. What should your students do once they arrive in your classroom? How will you dismiss your students? Some other things to consider are:

  • How will you gain the classroom’s attention?
  • How will you handle bathroom breaks?
  • How will students turn in assignments?

While these questions have obvious answers to you, it’s important to communicate them to your students. Furthermore, you will want to teach and practice these routines early in the school year and reinforce them consistently. Routines will help students feel secure and will minimize disruptions.

Use Positive Reinforcement

Recognize and acknowledge student behavior and achievements through positive reinforcement. Praise students for their effort, progress, and good behavior. Praise is one of the simplest and most powerful tools to engage and motivate your students. When used effectively, praise can turn around behavior challenges and improve students’ attitudes about learning. You can praise your students in several ways. For example, praise them verbally, give them a reward or certificate, or even have a classroom celebration.

Engage Students Actively

Incorporate active learning activities in order to keep your students engaged. Students who are engaged in meaningful and interactive activities are less likely to be off-task. One way to incorporate active learning is to replace long lectures with more hands-on activities. Have students work in groups, use technology, create hands-on projects, or have classroom discussions.

Remember that effective classroom management is an ongoing process that requires consistency, flexibility, and a student-centered approach. Tailor your strategies to fit the unique dynamics of your classroom and the individual needs of your students.

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