Home Announcements/Important Dates You Are the Champions, My Friends

You Are the Champions, My Friends

by Chance McKee

As another school year dawns, it’s time, yet again, to take off your sun hat and put on your Champion cape. Whether you’re a classroom teacher, a librarian, a principal, or a school technology specialist, the students’ triumphant return brings exciting, new challenges!

Are You a TCEA Member?

I hope many of you reading this are already TCEA members. And I really hope you’re taking advantage of everything membership can offer you. TCEA advances technology in education to create student success. You can join the TCEA Community to get advice and share solutions with other educators. Or you can attend one of our events or bring learning to you with a range of professional development opportunities. And don’t forget the free webinars! Take one in during your lunch break or whenever is convenient.

Now, Are You a Champion?

Of course, I can tell you about these and all our other benefits until I’m blue in the face. But I’ve found that the greatest spokesperson for TCEA and all that we can offer is…you.

I would love for you to put your knowledge to work by becoming a TCEA Champion and helping to spread the word about TCEA to your colleagues. This is an elite group. Only 200 TCEA members will be accepted as TCEA Champions for 2018-2019.

Who Are the Champions?

TCEA Champions are true leaders within their profession. They can see the big picture of how technology can transform Texas’ education system.

TCEA Champions are helpers who understand that student achievement is the ultimate goal. They believe that “we” is more important than “me.” And they support their colleagues in growing their skill sets and taking on new challenges. This creates a ripple effect of increased knowledge for the educators, administrators, and most importantly, students.

Champion Perks

As a TCEA Champion, you will inform your colleagues about the benefits of TCEA membership and ask them to become members. As a reward, TCEA will provide you with:

  • One $10 gift card for every three new paid members you recruit
  • One $50 gift card for every five new paid members you recruit
  • One $200 gift card for every ten new paid members you recruit

It’s really that simple.

I will provide all TCEA Champions with an easy-to-use recruitment guide and tools to set you up for success so you feel supported every step of the way. Apply to be a TCEA Champion here or email me, Senior Director of Membership Chance McKee, at cmckee@tcea.org with any questions.

Be the Change

Texas’ education system is facing a lot of challenges right now. Help advance your profession by becoming a TCEA Champion. Share with your colleagues the importance of educational technology to set Texas students up for learning equity and future success. Keep up the incredible work, because more than anything, we at TCEA are beyond appreciative of everything you do for Texas students, and all we can say is “thank you.”


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