Speed geeking is a method of quickly exposing individuals to a large number of ideas or technologies in a short period of time. It is a rapid-fire, rapid-learning format that can be used to quickly evaluate and compare a wide range of ideas or technologies.
What Is Speed Geeking?
The speed geeking process typically involves a group of individuals who are interested in a particular topic or area of technology. The group is divided into smaller teams, and each team is given a set of ideas or technologies to evaluate. The teams then rotate through a series of stations, spending a few minutes at each station to quickly evaluate the idea or technology.
Formats for Speed Geeking
One common way to conduct a speed geeking session is to use a “pitch and switch” format. In this format, each team member gives a brief pitch about their idea or technology tool and then switches to the next station to hear the next pitch. This allows each team member to quickly evaluate a wide range of ideas and technologies, and to compare and contrast them in a short period of time.
Another common format for speed geeking is the “show and tell” format. In this format, each team member demonstrates their idea or technology, and the other team members have the opportunity to ask questions and provide feedback. This allows for a more hands-on and interactive evaluation of the ideas and technologies.
There are two typical ways to have teachers experience speed geeking. The first method, which is most like speed dating, is where groups of teachers rotate to different stations (or rooms) where the presenter(s) share with them. The second method has all the teachers grouped in the same room, but the presenters switch out. When one presenter is done, the next presenter shares. This can be done as a whole group or with presenters switching to small groups.

Why Is Speed Geeking Valuable?
Speed geeking can be a valuable tool for organizations and individuals who are looking to quickly evaluate and compare a large number of ideas or technologies. It can be used to identify promising new technologies, compare different approaches to solving a particular problem, or spark new ideas and collaborations among team members. Overall, speed geeking can be a useful tool for organizations and individuals who are looking to stay on the cutting edge of technology and innovation while also giving staff the opportunity to share with each other.
How Does This Apply to Faculty Meetings?
So, how might you use speed geeking in your next faculty meeting? It might involve technology tools/apps for teachers to use in their classroom, or it might be solely focused on pedagogy. Since each presentation should be no more than five minutes, think through how you might follow up with the teachers so they can go deeper into the areas of interest to them. Either way, your teachers will enjoy a fast-paced, informative format that quickly shares the main ideas and gives them the opportunity to ask questions and take a deep dive later.