My lucky number is 23, but after researching, reflecting, and ‘riting this blog post about Tots, I am considering changing it to 7.
- 7 days in a week
- 7 colors in a rainbow
- 7 notes on a musical scale
- Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs
- 7-Eleven has Slurpees
- Daniel Craig and Sean Connery – it’s a toss up for the best 007 ever!
- My zip code is 78737 and my house number is 767.
AND 2017 marks 7 years of the TCEA Tots and Technology Summer Conference, an amazing learning experience for PreK-5 educators and leaders.

You probably guessed it! This blog is about the seven things about Tots that you should know.
- It’s a conference designed just for elementary educators.
- There are two locations to choose from: on the beach at Galveston or near the fun in Arlington.
- There are three words to sum up the event: fun, sun, and innovation.
- For you: this means networking, ideas, tools, and resources for your classroom.
- Five vowels – AMAZING, ENERGIZING, INSPIRING, an abundance of OOH & ahh moments, and you will have the rest of the summer to UNPACK all your knowledge.
- Six days of learning: June 11-13 and July 16-18
- Seven types of peeps will be rockin’ the conference:
- PreK-5 Teachers
- Curriculum Specialists
- Elementary Principals and Assistant Principals
- Early Childhood Learning Center Directors
- Campus Technology Specialists
- Technology Directors
- Elementary Librarians
And the grand finale of 7 + 20 words written by Melissa Hughes of Tyler ISD. And I quote,“I think it is great! The only problem I have is that I want to attend everything and thus there is no time for the beach.. lol. ”
If you need more reasons to attend or a letter of support for your administration, TCEA has you covered. Find the documents here. The early registration discount ends March 31. Hope to see you at the beach or on a roller coaster this summer.
Featured image designed by TCEA.