Home Digital Literacy Google-ize Your Digital Citizenship

Google-ize Your Digital Citizenship

by Diana Benner

Ready to Google-ize your digital citizenship projects? Digital Citizenship week is almost here. Take this opportunity to share positive experiences and build affirming online habits that model digital safety and responsibility.

Target the Key Standards

Students are required to recognize the rights, responsibilities, and opportunities of living, learning, and working in an interconnected digital world. They must also act in safe, legal, and ethical ways. For Texas educators, the Technology Application TEKS for elementary and middle school expects the same from students.

Digital Citizenship Google Projects

Here are some digital citizenship projects that use the Google Suite for Education. These projects can be used anytime, but especially during October.

Digital Citizenship Pledge with Google Drawinggoogle-ize

Have students establish norms that promote responsible and respectful digital behavior in the classroom by creating a digital citizenship pledge outlining how they will be good digital citizens. Students support what they help create. This Digital Citizenship Pledge Google Drawing Template can be shared (as a PDF, image, or classroom poster) with an individual or groups of students to complete. Get a copy of the pledge here.

Elements of Digital Citizenship Google Slide

As you teach the Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship that every student should know, consider using Google Slides, which enables students to synthesize and summarize what they learn. It also makes a meaningful writing project. Take a look at this time-saving Nine Elements of Digital Citizenship Google Slide Template. Each topic has a slide that students can add to. The second slide serves as a hyperlinked menu. Once students finish their presentations, have them present to the class or other classes. These experiences offer students the chance to hone public speaking skills.

Responsible Use Policy Scavenger Hunt Google Form

google-izeTake time to review your district’s responsible use policy (RUP) with students. Why? Students should be aware of the district’s expectations. Heighten their awareness using a Google Form-based scavenger hunt. One example is a Responsible Use Policy Scavenger Hunt.

New Resource from Google

Google has released an online game and curriculum to help kids be better digital citizens. Interland is a free game for grades 3 and up that teaches the basics of safe Internet use. There’s also a Be Internet Awesome Curriculum that you can download and a Be Internet Awesome Pledge for families.


Remember that Google and iKeepSafe have developed a curriculum that you can use in the classroom to teach what it means to be a responsible digital citizen. The Google Digital Literacy and Citizenship Curriculum is designed to be interactive, discussion filled, and allow students to learn through hands-on and scenario activities.

How do you use Google tools to teach digital citizenship in your classroom? Share in the comments below.

This blog was updated on June 7, 2017 with additional information and resources.

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