May the 4th, Star Wars Day, is approaching this week. Let’s all say it together, “May the 4th be with you!” I wanted to compile a list of Star Wars-themed activities to help you celebrate the day with your students in a fun way. Let’s take a look at some of my favorite discoveries! You’ll find activities for math, STEM, coding, crafts, and more.
1. 21 Star Wars Day STEM Activities (Science Buddies): From popsicle stick drones to mini lightsabers made out of straws, you’re sure to find something fun to do on this list of 21 Star Wars-themed STEM activities from Science Buddies.
2. Star Wars “Would You Rather?” Workout (P.E. with Mr. G): I absolutely love this Star Wars-themed workout from P.E. with Mr. G. Students move to the right or left, depending on their choice, and then complete a coordinating workout. It’s a great way to celebrate Star Wars Day with movement and choice! Here’s an example:

3. InterACTIVE May the 4th Activities! (@TheMerrillsEDU): This article provides the following six activities for Star Wars Day using tools like Seesaw, Flip, and more.
- May the 4th Books
- May the 4th Action Movie FX App (iOS only)
- May the 4th Flipgrid Photo Sticker Activity
- May the 4th Build a Droid Seesaw Activity
- May the 4th “Caption This” Activity
- May the 4th Pixel Art Activity (by: @Erintergration)
4. Levitating Objects with the Force from Science Kids: Here’s a quick and fun science experiment using tinsel and a PVC pipe! Students will love “using the force” to make the tinsel orb levitate.
5. Star Wars Math (Math Fan): Lightsaber duels with Desmos, lightsaber paper circuits, symmetry with Darth Vader and Yoda, and more. I love all the Star Wars activities on this site!
6. Star Wars Galaxy Building ( Use JavaScript or drag-and-drop blocks to build your own galaxy on There is also an offline version available!
7. 15 Star Wars Math Activities (Inspiration Laboratories): This article is jam-packed with math practice fun on concepts like fractions, addition, subtractions, measurement, and more. Activities range from games with cards and LEGO minifigures to drawing R2D2.
8. Working with Latitude and Longitude (Scholastic): Here is a great lesson about the filming locations for the Star Wars movies. It shows images of scenes from the movie and breaks down the actual location where the scene was filmed. After learning about each, students are tasked with mapping the locations based on their latitude and longitude. This includes two videos and a skills sheet.
9. Star Wars-Themed Letter Find Sheets (Preschool Play & Learn): If you work with our youngest learners, you’ll love these “find-the-letter” sheets. Students can complete them with dot markers, crayons, markers, or colored pencils. You can also laminate these for extended use!
Don’t miss the list of additional Star Wars Day printables at the bottom of the article. To download the find-the-letter printables shown above, you need to scroll down to the very bottom of the page to click the linked text:

10. 15 Awesome Star Wars-Themed Crafts ( If you’re looking for some fantastic crafts to incorporate on May the 4th, here is a list of 15 great finds. My favorite might be the “construction paper Yoda ears,” but the “pool noodle light sabers” are a very close second.
I hope you found something you love here and are excited to try out this Star Ways Day! If you have other activities, crafts, or lessons you’ve successfully used, please drop them for us in the comments. And, yes. May the 4th be with you.