Happy Digital Learning Day! This annual event highlights all the great ways teachers and students are using digital tools to explore, create, research, and publish their work.
When Did Digital Learning Day Begin?
The first Digital Learning Day was February 1, 2012. In the press release announcing this event, the sponsoring organization, All4Ed, described it this way:
“Digital Learning Day will celebrate innovative teaching practices that make learning more personalized and engaging and encourage exploration of how digital learning can provide more students with more opportunities to get the skills they need to succeed in college, a career, and life.”
What Does Digital Learning Day Look Like Now?
Fast forward to 2022 and celebrate how far we have come. In reality, Digital Learning Day is every day in our classrooms. Teachers and students are using digital content and devices in a wide variety of ways every single day. We set aside this day to amplify all the great work of our students and teachers. This is a great opportunity to demonstrate how technology can empower and support teachers, personalize learning for students, and ensure that all students have the great teaching—and the great tools—they need to succeed in today’s hyper-connected world.

Where to Find Resources
All4Ed has created a space for teachers to upload and share the different ways they are using digital tools with their students. You can search by grade level, category, or type. You might find a few resources from your favorite technology association (Hint! Hint!). They have also created some FlipGrid questions that you and your students can respond to. Take a few moments to let your students use their voices to share how they are using technology in classrooms.

Sharing on Social Media
Make sure you share all the great things you are doing with your students and use the hashtag #DLD, #TCEA, @TCEA, @All4Ed, and @OfficialDLDay. And from all of us at TCEA, thanks for making every day Digital Day in your classrooms!