It is getting to be that time of year when you can smell freshly sharpened pencils and a box of brand new crayons in the air. It’s the time when I start to gather all the good ideas I’ve come across in my travels or on social media. As I was perusing Twitter, I stopped on this question posted by an Illinois Director of Secondary Education, Dan Lamboley. “My district is looking for a child-centered, inspirational quote to put on the wall in our entryway. Any good suggestions?”
Immediately, I knew Twitterific educators would promptly answer the call. And they did. Here are a few of my favorites!
Quotes for Teachers
Each one, reach one. – Cori Coburn-Shiflett
Life affords no greater responsibility, than the raising of the next generation. – C. Everett Coop
Tell me, and I forget. Teach me ,and I may remember. Involve me, and I learn. – Ben Franklin
We rise by lifting others. – Robert Ingersoll
To inspire people, don’t show them your super powers. Show them theirs. – Alexander Den Hejjer
Students don’t need a perfect teacher. They need a teacher who gets them excited about learning. A teacher who smiles and makes them enjoy coming to school. Each and every day. – Richard P. Feynman
A school is a building which has four walls with tomorrow inside. – Lon Watters
A smile is the universal WELCOME! – Max Eastman

Quotes for Students
You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose – Dr. Seuss
Here We Grow! – unknown
Amazing things happen here. – unknown
The world wouldn’t spin the same without you! – Brandarius Johnson

Be Yourself. Everybody else is already taken – Oscar Wilde
You are capable of amazing things! – unknown
No one is good at everything, but everyone is good at something! – unknown
BElieve in YOUrself. – unknown
Quotes about Kindness
In a world where you can be anything: BE KIND. – unknown
Be brave. Dream big. Show kindness. – unknown
Be Kind. Be Bright. Be You. – unknown

Be kind and change the world. – unknown
Kindness matters. – unknown
Kindness is a gift everyone can afford to give. – unknown
Work hard, be kind, and amazing things will happen. – Conan O’Brien
Throw kindness around like confetti. – unknown
Quotes for Art Rooms
Every child is an artist. – Pablo Picasso
You cannot use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have. – Maya Angelou
It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see. – Henry David Thoreau
Creativity is intelligence having fun. – Albert Einstein
Make your mark. . . and see where it takes you. – Peter Reynolds
Makers gonna make.– unknown
You do not need anybody’s permission to live a creative life. – Elizabeth Gilbert
What you create doesn’t need to be perfect. – Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Quotes for STEM Spaces
Let’s get in gear with the 4C’s this year!
Where will STEM take you?
Stand back! We’re building a better world.
Gearing up for Greatness at __________. (fill in the name of your class or school)
A Few Tips
Tip 1: Create a wall of inspirational quotes like Gillian Portwood McColgan. She purchased the Growth Mindset posters from TPT and purchased inexpensive frames from the Dollar Store to create a gallery wall of inspiring phrases.

TIP 2: Consider using direct quotes from your students, and have a central bulletin board featuring a quote from a student each week.
TIP 3: To choose a quote for a school wall, invite all students to submit and have the students vote. Democracy in action!
TIP 4: If you are looking to make your own try Adobe Express or Canva. Or just keep it simple- create a background in PowerPoint or Google Slides to create your own. Visit my blog on fancy fonts to jazz up your inspirational quote.
TIP 5: Create a bulletin board word cloud, like Naomi Clark did, using different fonts and an electronic cutting machine (Cricut or a Silhouette).

Words could include:
- work hard
- ask questions
- persist
- be curious
- try
- learn
- read
- think
- capable
These inspirational words are just a start. There are millions available. If you have a favorite, please drop it in the comments! I know other bulletin boards and walls across the world would love to showcase your motivational and inspiring quotes.